I've kept some, and they're reasonably easy to keep - but don't be fooled, they are NOT hardier or easier than chickens. They're very flighty, and die of fright or surprise (like rabbits will sometimes) quite easily. They appear to have no homing instinct so you cannot free range them, they have to be caged for their own safety. If you raise them from hatching and handle them daily they're a bit more relaxed about people, but even my hatchling babies are pretty skittish.
They will lay an egg a day as long as they get enough light, so they have that going for them. But they're not smart enough to get out of the weather, and will just sit and shiver in the rain instead of going into a shelter or even hiding under something. A solid roof to the cage is a good thing. They also refuse to eat any new food, including mealworms - if you want them to eat something, make sure they get it as chicks so they aren't scared of it. (Yes, my first batch of quail were frightened of mealworms)
When dressing for meat, the easiest way is to skin them and butterfly/spatchcock them to get the guts out. Lots of youtube videos on technique.