Hello everyone! Me and my partner are starting to build our first compost toilets, and we have a few questions that have arisen. I wonder if you guys might have some insights based on your experience.
we have 90 Ltr plastic bins (surdy, yet not drums or barrels that could be easilly rolled), and we intend to innoculate all carbon material (mostly woodchips) with home made Lactobacilicum (AKA EM-1) to aid composting in any anaerobic pockets and odour elimination. temperatures on the island we live in (Aegina, Greece) vary from 3-4 degrees C lowest in winter to 45 degrees C in summer.
Based on a calculation found in 'goodbye to the flush toilet' booklet I read, each bin should last for about 4 - 6 weeks between 2 people.
in the coming weeks we are going to have Volunteers coming in helping us around the farm, and in summer possible workshop projects - means between 6 people around in winter / spring up to 15 in summer.
If I understood correct, poo should be left to mature for at least 2 years to become humus, or decomposed in the centre of a large normal aerobic compost after 6 months of aging.
1, can a bin be filled almost to the brim? 2/3 of it? 3/4 of it before sealing to mature?
2. is there a decent way of using soley compost toilet without eventually having to rotate between a large ammount of bins all over the plot?
3. if bins are not the answer, is there another safe way to store poo without letting any possible pahogens leaching into the soil and the roots of the pistachio trees all over the plot?
4. what is the best way of aerating composting poo?
5. once the bin is full, should I just let it be, closed in the corner and let it do its own thing with no intervention for a while or must it be rotated regulary?
Thank you all!