So I've made quite a bit of progress. It only took a couple weeks for me to realize how much food waste we actually have, combined with some trips to starbucks for their bags of grounds I've actually been able to get a decent compost pile going. Still tinkering with the proportions, but its been up to 130 degrees inside for a couple days now, so I'm pretty happy with my early results.
While the composition of it was probably better before, I've had to clean up my leaf mold pile because of how lazy we were with what ended up in the pile, but as you can see I've cleaned up quite a bit of it so far. Its very light and fluffy now, but no longer has junk or rocks in it.
My question now is what I should do with this light leaf mold and what I should do with the compost as it gets closer to being finished? Is incorporating the two a good idea? I would think it would give it better structure/nutrients/etc., I just don't want to make too many bad decisions if I can avoid it.
I'm a little intrigued with compost tea as well, but I don't know how motivated I am to spend money to mess around with that quite yet.