Calling all hands! Have you been to a convergence before? Could the 10th Annual NW Permaculture Convergence be your first??
The Convergence is currently in its planning phase and the Board would love your input! After all, you ARE the convergence, so you should be planning it. The theme for 2017 is Building Bridges: Connecting Diverse Communities and Ideas. In the society we are currently participating in, or at least embedded within, there are so many gaps. We want to begin to bridge those gaps so that the WORLD can begin to experience the concept of a permanent culture: a culture that regenerates its many resources, be they infrastructural, emotional, social, or whatever, rather than constantly operating at 15% efficiency (I know what that feels like). If you care about equality, soil, infrastructure, food or any of the other topics in which people, or other animals, are experiencing gaps, please participate in the 2017 Convergence.
We already have some valuable personalities like Marisha Auerbach and Ridhi Cruz, but the Convergence needs more!
Do you know or know of someone who would be a valuable presenter at a Convergence workshop? The Board is currently accepting volunteers and nominations for speakers and skillshare presenters.
Are you talented in some area and motivated to make a difference at the convergence, but don't want to get up in front of folks?
We need volunteers to plan and execute the Convergence! Please contact me and I will respond with the contact information of your choice so that you can lead this 2017 Northwest Permaculture Convergence. Or just visit the website and start there!