Hello John. Thanks for your response!
We have 40 acres. We definitely considered building while keeping in mind being able to add on. The road to the forever spot is 1/4 mile. The spot we are choosing to build at is right next to the gravel road that leads to the property, just a short little curve/house site and driveway will be needed. Of course we are interested in privacy but there is only one neighbor past us and we cant even see their house from our house site. A couple things pushed us to agree on building at the lower spot...
Grader gave us an estimate of 13k for drive, house site and full septic install at the bottom and 30k for all that plus 1/4 road to the upper spot.
We are currently living in a house we own and paying both the mortgages while building the house on the land and also finishing up some projects at this house. Once the new build is livable we can move and sell this house and be mortgage free. The idea is we will be able to save money a lot faster and build the other house faster. So saving the money on grading will go far at this point, because we are trying to do this as fast as we can (our goal is 2 years ish) to limit the amount of time we pay 2 mortgages. I also like the idea of not rushing decisions on the upper spot and being able to live out on the property for several years, really envisioning our end game.
I am a designer/seamstress with a business so thats why I need 250 sq ft of space. Im working in 144 sq ft right now and am very quickly outgrowing that space.... the business is growing every year, so eventually the first building we build will be very useful as my studio with space to keep growing, and also a woodshop for my husband.
If we built at the upper spot, we would have to drill a well, adding to the cost, and at the lower spot there is a well flowing spring head right about the house, making it easy (theoretically) to install a gravity system.
The building spot for the actual building is about 45'x 30' as that is the "flatest" spot. with a difference of about 6' from top to bottom, the hill gets a tiny bit steeper behind it being 10' in difference over 27 feet (this is where there is a stand of larger trees Id like to save some of them) then above that the hill gets gentlish again with a difference of 7 ft over 50 feet. This is where I would like to put a parking area, and keep a trail through the stand of trees to the cabin.
Very good tip to consider the impact of the heavy machinery. Im interested in more info on that, mostly because im curious. How long until they died? what kind of trees? and how large were they? I will talk to our grader and see what he thinks. Also great tip to plant saplings. I am a total plant nerd and ex professional organic landscaper/gardener so I will probably be putting in trees and shrubs as soon as the grading happens.
As far as looks go... we both do not like the feel of an all brand new house, feels "souless" and Ive already started scouting out doors, windows, flooring etc.
I appreciate the info and response!