It's a bold statement, but we still hear of it happening here and there. Of course, there's loads of information online about natural cures, but don't most of them seem hokey for whatever reason or just not nearly detailed enough to give anybody any confidence? I have been a huge organic food advocate, studied nutrition and herbs, and grown organic vegetables and herbs for years now. I was diagnosed with cancer 5 years ago. I felt that there had to be a natural way to heal, therefore, I set our doing tons of research and invested a lot into finding my way through my crisis. I ended up curing my stage 2 cancer within a pretty short time using a combination of diet, supplements, and herbs. It was pretty intensive. I will say that my way is definitely not the only way and I have known of many other stories where people have cured themselves. I vowed that if I cured my cancer that I would give a detailed report on every single thing that I did. I fulfilled that vow by creating a blog, which is a blog that will continue to evolve and explore the many facets of overall health. My goal is to empower others, dispel myths, support organic choices and healthy living, while documenting many other related topics.