Phil Gardener wrote:Any spraying by the power company to maintain that right-of-way for their lines? That would be a concern to me.
James Freyr wrote:If you really like this parcel of land, may I suggest that having the landowner remove all trash/debris before the closing date be a contractual clause in your offer for the land. The worst that can happen is they reject it. I think it might be worth a try.
Wes Hunter wrote:I think you have two paths you could follow:
1. Ask permission.
2. Ask forgiveness.
The upside with option 1 is that, in theory at least, you'll definitely not do anything you legally shouldn't. The downside is that it's easier and safer to say "No" than "Yes," so there's always a chance you'll incorrectly be told that the laws are stricter than they actually are.
If I were you, I would contact your state Dept. of Agriculture. Find your way to someone in the Meat Inspection division, and simply ask what the laws are regarding the selling of farm-slaughtered poultry. It's best to ask open-ended questions if possible, not Yes/No questions. But those folks will (or should) have the most up-to-date and accurate information.
Make notes of who you talked to and when, and what you were told, so if someone comes back to say "You can't do that" you have a record. And do be aware that local (e.g. county) regulations can be stricter than the state's, so just because the state allows something doesn't mean your local jurisdiction does.