While I understand that using credit cards but paying the balance every month is technically debt free (I wouldn't even call it a grey area as long as you aren't carrying a balance month to month) I struggle to believe it is a good moral or permie choice to make. Credit card companies aren't npo's just looking to give everyone a free vacation for paying their bills on time. They make money from people who fail to pay their bill on time. They may so much money from people carrying over a balance that they are willing to share that with more responsible people for 2 reasons I believe. 1- A very small percentage actually get to use these benefits in any meaningful way, it is really just a marketing gimmick. 2- Even if you are paying your balance monthly, I imagine they are able to gain funding and investments based on total membership and credit allowances. Either way, they are making money off of you, and the"free vacations" are really paid for by someone who probably won't be able to afford a vacation ever. This isn't making the world a better place. It isn't thinking long term. Its just thinking longer term than the person carrying a balance. If every cardholder refused to carry a balance, there would be no perks and no credit card companies. I realize this come across overtly preachy and holier-than-thou, but it isn't meant to pass judgement. This is America, and I'm not your dad. You're free to do what you want. My living certainly isn't above reproach. Hearing (reading) someone talk about how easy it is to win with credit cards just gets me, like stepping on a thorn. It is only easy because it is so very hard for so very many other people. I'll step off my soapbox now...