May Lotito wrote:I will start saving wildflower seeds growing in my yard here in zone 6b. Here is the list that I am going to collect:
Dandilion, white dutch clover, red clover, winter cress, violet, blue-eyed grass, mayapple, coneflower, tickseed, black-eyed Susan, penstemon digitalis, rue, butterflyweed, common milkweed, ironweed, plantain, ox-eyed daisy, blazing stars, goldenrod, self heal, wild pink, dead nettle and many more.
Rufus Laggren wrote:Beth
From what you said, it sounds like you like anger. Is that true?
Rufus Laggren wrote:> husband never says anything about this. He doesn't point it out or complain. This is NORMAL for him. I'm the angry one
Elle. More power to you. But, please, keep your lucky charm on you at all times... And act to win - which usually means letting go anger in order to pay attention fully and respond as ruthlessly and craftily as possible. But you can never know the whole situation - it all goes to chaos with the first move. Understand that. Be OK with it. I think your husband knows this - he sounds like a survivor. Maybe take his smarts into account a little more. (gotta stick up for us guys <g>).
I got myself into some really dangerous physical situations as a kid and young man. One reason I survived, I believe, is that when I finally realized just how bad it was, I dropped everything from my mind but awareness of the instant moment. I could not afford to be scared, to even think, or it was over - just to respond fully. Sometimes we must drop our feelings, our own self, in favor of being one unified purpose. So don't hold onto your anger. Bring online your full awareness and purpose when the situation requires.
john mcginnis wrote:I was born in Florida. I am also old enough to remember segregated bathrooms, drinking fountains and dining areas.
Lif Strand wrote:Please, PLEASE offer printed (or at least text/photo PDF) versions of your videos and other info. [snip] Thanks!