Hey everyone! In reading through a lot of the posts on here I've seen quite a few of yall are more engineering and technologically inclined than I am so I was hoping to pick your brains.
I'm in the planning process for a theoretical future walipini. There are various design options and tweaks people have posted on here but short of building it and then tweaking the structure over the years there isn't a way to know for sure what will work in my specific situations. I would like to build several different models and compare their internal temps under various conditions.
My question is, is there a way to do this accurately? Building to scale isn't going to be too much of a problem (I don't think, although I"m probably simplifying things quite a bit) but accurately mimicing the sun's intensity and output for a 1/10 or 1/100 size model has me hitting a wall right now. I"d like it to be small enough I could stick it in the deep freezer or cooler for testing. Not aiming for super scientific MIT level accuracy, its more to get an idea of doing X will increase/decrease temperature or light by Y degrees. Any ideas on how to mathematically scale down the sun considering sun angle at winter solstice for X latitude and the resulting footcandles? Quick perusal of the internet has everything either geared for elementary school or they have several degrees that I do not possess in mathematics or physics, possibly both.
Or if someone has already done this that's awesome, let me know! Thanks