I am looking into new streams of income for our ranch and one thing I heard of was that selling raw pet food may be lucrative. I have several questions some people here may be able to answer.
1. Are there different regulations for processing meat for pet food vs human consumption? Looking at the laws, I'm thinking not, but maybe...
2. Has anyone successfully applied for the poultry/rabbit exemption? Looks easy enough, but I've heard some sources say that an approved SSOP would require very costly facilities. So curious if anyone knows anyone who's been successful with this.
3. Does anyone know where you can sell poultry and rabbit if you successfully get this exemption? It just says: "intended to be sold through locations other than the farm where the livestock is produced". But I thought I'd seen somewhere, some time ago, that it couldn't be sold, say, for restaurant use.
4. Does anyone sell homemade pet food? Does anyone process animals for pet food for sale? I would love to chat with someone doing this.
5. A little more off-topic, but I keep thinking squab may be a profitable crop, if I can build up a market. Has anyone had financial success with squab?