Cole Tyler wrote:About 5 years ago I just started letting the weeds takeover any area I wasn't actively involved in landscaping/planting/gardening/keeping a grass patch mowed. I went from mowing, trimming and hand weeding my entire yard every week for more than 3/4 of the year, to just periodic spotty upkeep.
The best thing I found was to just pile on the mulch (wood chips is my fav, but straw or the weeds themselves make good mulch too if you give them enough time and have enough to chop/drop) everywhere to cover up weedy areas if they get out of hand.
It got a little stressful for me to deal with neighbors/family members not approving aesthetically of my style, so I moved to a rural area to begin doing it my own way. The main thing I noticed was the "life" that letting the weeds grow brought to the yard...increase in EVERYTHING especially birds. Nothing better than seeing a Goldfinch land sideways on, and bend over a "weed" stalk you let grow to get some seeds...where otherwise might be a poison patch :)
Michael Moreken wrote:I attacked water flow with a pool with inlet and outlet, and a number of 'channels' to get the water away.
Paul Ladendorf wrote:I'm thinking my best bet is to bring in a couple loads of topsoil for my garden as the sheer amount of work I'll need to do to de-rock the soil will be overwhelming. And even then I'll still end up with hard clay soil. Any thought? Thanks.