Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Nicholas Oneal

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since May 26, 2019
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Liv Smith wrote:Probably not the one you’re looking for and yet similar is the Foxfire series. I believe there are 12 books on all sorts of aspects of homesteading.

Thanks Liv! I had no idea this link existed, what a treasure.
2 years ago

Anne Miller wrote:I have a very similar book that was written by Lydia Maria Child called "The American Frugal Housewife".  It was originally published in 1844.

Here is  a list of older cookbooks:

I hope someone points you in the right direction for the book you are looking for as I would enjoy something like that.

Thank you very much Anne!

I’m certain I will learn more than a few useful things from these books.
2 years ago
Years ago, I remember reading about a book available from or recommend by other permies.

It was written as a collection from numerous wives in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s homestead community. A book handed down to others and used as a point of reference to trouble-shoot life on the homestead.

Very practical advice for living simply by those who had already learned by the hard knocks of life on the land.

I’m hoping someone will read this and point me in the direction of the book!
2 years ago