I’m looking for a home grown treatment for peach leaf curl on my nectarine. The tree is about 3 years old and only about 7 leaves survived this year. I tried spraying garlic concentrate last fall and early this spring but maybe it was just too rainy.
I was just reading an article about horsetail being a good fungicide for peach curl, and then also thyme oil apparently works on fungus too. So I was wondering if anyone has experience using any of these for peach leaf curl…or a combination? I’m thinking of making a batch of horsetail and thyme tea and then adding the garlic and letting it sit overnight. Is this overkill? Will they cancel each other out? Will this work on rust spots on my pear too? Thyme is also an insecticide so should I omit the thyme? I also have soapwort, would that help?
Any advice is appreciated! Thanks