Lettuces and goosefoots/spinach/beet plants would be at the top of my list. Also anything in the brassica family, but I think Broccoli Raab (I believe 30 days?), Mustards, and Arugula are some of the fastest yielders. I also am a fan of kohlrabi, but not a lot of other people like it.
When I think about what really gets me through the early cold months its all the semi "wild" edibles that pop up around the property. Nettles, Ramps, Lovage, Chives, perrennial rocket, Burdock, sorrel, Fiddlehead ferns, walking onions... but all these take time to get established so that you can harvest them. Japanese knotweed shoots are also quite tasty, but I certainly don't recommend planting them. We eat them out here in Southern VT as they're very opportunistic in our area and we like to do our part to help keep them in check.
I'd second the recommendation for Buckwheat as a fast grower, but you do have to wait til summer months to plant since it's not particularly cold hardy.