Rita Vail

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since Feb 28, 2010
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Recent posts by Rita Vail

I distracted the receptionist and then pretented to use the chemical infectant.

I put castor oil on weird bumps obsessively.

Great story!
Has anyone mentioned yet that you will burn more calories with all that pedalling and will perhaps require an even bigger freezer full of food to get through the winter/earthquake?
5 years ago
Watch out for electro-smog, wifi, smart meters, cell towers, etc. Find out if your electrical box is on the other side of your bedroom wall for instance.I unplug every single thing from all outlets, except refrigerator or heater, and sleep some distance from those things. That makes a huge difference to me. In fact, I now always sleep in the back of my truck rather than a motel - so I can get to sleep. Also, you can take melantonin supplements if your room is not dark at night. Most of us need iodine anyway, what with all the radiation. And magnesium. I do even though I eat a lot of greens, nuts and seaweed. It also helps to spray lavender on your pillow and rub it on the bottoms of your feet. Also, you could quit caffeine completely. If you can't meditate, try deep breathing and self-massage.
8 years ago
Reading about the history of the fire in Bandon on the Oregon coast has affected my opinion of broom: http://www.offbeatoregon.com/H1011d-bandon-founder-favorite-plant-destroyed-his-town.html

You must read this if you ever think of planting or encouraging it.
8 years ago
The fastest thing is to cleanse your colon. I have given an enema that reversed serious lung and bronchial infections overnight. It is magic.
9 years ago
I also bought the video. It is a real blessing. Just want to add that I started doing the oil pulling swish after eating, especially snacking. I find that it really gets bits of food off my teeth when I am busy, like driving down the highway. This video gave me the confidence to believe I could care for my teeth myself, and inspired me to be ever mindful of their well being, instead of leaving it to the professionals.

A half cup of cilantro a day is supposed to help flush mercury out of you. Or use the essential oil of cilantro.

My teeth are not so tight against each other. Not sure why. I add gelatin to smoothies and horsetail to my tea. I brush with baking soda and myhrr oil. and floss.

9 years ago
I can leave Ashland, Oregon on Monday to come but don't know how long it will take to get there. Two days? I have cooked, and cleaned professionally a lot. Plus I raised four girls and have herded chickens, so I am qualified. Plus I would not be doing it for the money, but money helps with traveling expenses. I am a Dailyish Blog reader and have been wanting to come for ages. I can sleep in my truck.
9 years ago
Worked fine in Safari/Mac/gmail. Than you. Nice to have.
I am worried that my kick starter pledge won't go through. I have gotten a zillion messages that my credit card is denied, and each time I have tried to fix it. Yesterday the site let me connect to my bank account, but now I have to wait until the minimal deposit into my bank account to test it, and the deadline is 3/26.

The problem seems to be that this is a separate account from my Amazon account that I buy stuff with. It was not clear. Still hoping it works. If it doesn't I will cry.

This is the most frustrating experience ever trying to give money. I wish I could mail in the cash. Sigh.

Glad you are feeling better.
Rita Vail
11 years ago
Here's a short video on cooking and heating in Afghanistan and how they are worried about denuding the mountains. What a handsome looking people. I wish we could send them the rocket mass heater. They would love it!


Rita Vail
13 years ago