Going to be taking on the grand task of a reviving a large garden (1000 sq/ft) which has been left to grow over for 6 years. Containing well rooted grasses, horsetail, clover etc. I know there are no easy answers here but what are people's experiences with this? My plan is to keep 2 pigs this summer, rotating them in small areas with water to loosen the soil and hope they root some of it up... cover crop with peas or rye and till under, and replant or cover. At this point a tractor tilling would have difficulty so I have been advised to loosen first or hand dig areas. I am not adverse to hard work, I know there will still be much hand digging in there but any tips are welcome! I would prefer not to "cover for 2 years with plastic" instead to get this project rolling this summer so that it will be somewhat usable in 2021. I am in the Kootenays, BC, so ground will be frozen till mid April. Thanks!