Christopher Parker

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since Apr 09, 2020
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You may want to consider the waxy coating on the pine needles cause them to decay slowly. Therefore not releasing the nutrients you need. Some wood ash, aged manure and mixed in with the pine needles may make it nice and fluffy. Create rows of these piles and then the spring  pull back and drop seed in there.  This could give them all the nutrients they need to produce a good crop. They would probably suffer for a good crop if grown in straight pine needles. Would love to hear how your grow goes!!
2 months ago
I have been growing for years and usually I use 5/16 hole and for a 3 gallon bucket, typically about 12-16 holes spaces out in a diamond pattern. You have to be concerned with fungus gnats getting to them. So stuff the holes with polyfil until they are ready to fruit. I pop the polyfil out and wash it really well, let it dry and use it again unless it has trich or penicillium growing on it.
4 years ago