Margo Michaels

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since Aug 03, 2020
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Recent posts by Margo Michaels

Making flour with the 15 pounds of chestnuts that I harvested in the fall is on my long list of winter projects!
In the past I've roasted and peeled fresh chestnuts, ground them in my Vitamix, then dehydrated and ground again before
storing in an airtight bag in the freezer. It was absolutely incredible mixed with chickpea flour to make soccas.
This time around I plan to score the chestnuts, boil, peel, grind, dehydrate and grind again.

The smoked chestnuts and resulting products sound amazing, perhaps I'll try that one day and make smoked chestnut soccas!

3 years ago
Welcome, Ginny!

I currently grind small amounts of wheat berries in my Vitamix successfully and have emptied and cleaned my burr coffee grinder to grind dent corn that I grew; I haven't tried grinding wheat or other grain berries in that yet. A Komo Classic Grain Mill would be a great addition our local tool library. Our local tool library is a bit too far to be of use to me, perhaps I should start a tool library in my neighborhood!
3 years ago
Please add Wangari Maathai and see the documentary "Taking Root".
3 years ago
I’ve thinking that dry Japanese knotweed stalks would make excellent biochar. Anyone on here tried that?
3 years ago
The food forest that I help to steward has two very productive plum trees, not sure of the variety but most likely Japanese or European . Problem is that plum curculio, black knot, and brown rot ruin all of the fruit! Out of desperation we're considering copper spray this year but worry about drift; there is a herd of goats within 25' and many people passing by daily. Has anyone on this forum managed to overcome similar problems?
4 years ago