Danielle Hendricks

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since Oct 17, 2021
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Hi there, did you ever find anyone for this? Thanks!

Natalie Lavery wrote:Hello!

I am looking for a handy couple, family or single person interested in living on 10 acres of beautiful Florida land near springs, farms and the river. The exchange would be for you to live peacefully and lovingly on the land while rehabbing the abandoned home that is on the property. If you aren interested in more information nnwasmer@gmail.com I am fluent in Spanish so if you would like to pass this onto your Spanish friends, I would appreciate it.


3 years ago
Wow, is this lady still looking for a florida single mom cohousing? i just moved to pinellas county and looking for an ecovillage/cohousing opportunity for me and my little! email hendricksdn@gmail.com if this post is still active!
3 years ago