So, I’ve got a problem—black vine weevils in my urban permaculture garden, going after my new peach trees, my beans, my horseradish, and even my strawberries. I’m seeing a few non-chemical recommendations for dealing with them:
1- they are driven out of the soil by damp, so “remove excess mulch.” I do a very deep mulch layer, so this could definitely be contributing. But also the mulch works really well and I’m hesitant to change it.
2- nematodes, apparently the only natural predators. My main concern here is doing it right—if I already have beetles, is it too late? Has anyone had success?
3- this is speculation, but the ornamentals that came with the house are basically all on the list of these guys’ favorite foods (rhododendrons, euonymus, hostas, cedum, phlox, etc.). Would replacing some of these help in the long term?