I have 10 acres that is a mix of lodgepole, grand fir, Doug fir, and tamarack and extremely thick and unhealthy with pest infestation. My plan has been to clear zone 2 and 3 almost completely and develop swales on contour to eventually plant out our perennial crops.
My question is actually a request for suggestions on the appropriate steps to this goal. Would it be better to cut the trees down and then create swales with the stumps still all in the ground or to remove roots and all of the trees and then smooth it out and then develop the swales? My concern on the later is that the contour lines will be changed due to the removal of the trees and the heavy equipment. But if we don’t remove the trees the stumps will be hard to move through with the equipment also. Any thoughts would be appreciated. As of now the trees are so thick you can’t even walk through most of it.
I should also mention it’s a southern slope of approx 5% slope.