Sherry Willis wrote:I agree that there isn't sufficient education on this subject at all!!
unfortunately true.
I am this is my recollection...I had hot flashes, brain fog, and night sweats. Oh and the inability to sleep much. I completely cut out sugar and cut down on alcohol and ate whole food plant based and my symptoms improved. I do herbal stuff but I don't remember if I took anything at the time since the food changes helped to make symptoms manageable.
Rebecca Hyde wrote:Carol Deppe, who wrote The Resilent Gardener, mentioned many tips for saving ones back and otherwise lasting longer while being productive. I always remember her advice to resist “completionism” — that compulsion to just push through until the task is done.
roberta mccanse wrote:I don't see a lot of input here from actual "elders". At 77 I may or may not be old. I may or may not become burden but I am doing my level best not to become one. I am fortunate not to have diabetes, cancer, or serious heart disease, some hypertension not withstanding. On the other hand I work hard at staying healthy, go to the gym for Zumba and other exercise at least two or three days a week, volunteer at the local animal shelter on alternate days. I mostly eat what I should, floss my teeth, and walk the dog a couple of times a day.
I intend to age in place and to that end my home has no stairs, halls and doorways are at least 36 inches wide, doors have handles rather than knobs, toilets are raised, I had wall sockets placed 18 inches above the floor, and my dishwasher is also elevated about 11 inches.
My point is that I take seriously my responsibility to remain as healthy aand independent as possible. I also take seriously my responsibility to provide my far flung family with a place where they can live sustainably as our climate warms. My home is earth sheltered, I heat easily with wood stay cool in summer, and I garden on the roof. I am planting fruit trees and sturdy But Oak.
My original plan was to enslave a grandchild who would learn to love the woods and wildlife that surround me. So far no go. On the other hand my adult children are beginning to lean toward being here as they themselves grow older. They are drawn to the natural beauty here, we have mountains and water. A daughter and husband plan on building in a year or so. A son-in-law will build a few year after. An additional well or two will make me feel better about water security.
The kids put in two cords of wood for me. That should get me through most of the winter. I suspect that they decided that they'd better keep the old lady warm "or she'll end up in Florida with us". Ha. I guess that I can handle spending some time in a warmer place part of the year, especially during March and spring breakup. But the dogs are coming along.
We used to think that people over 80 were the oldest old. This is no longer the case. Although it's been awhile since I was middle aged I sort of wonder what happened to my sixties. So all in all I have decided that old is as old does. Certainly we can't control everything that happens to us as we age but we had darn well better take as much responsibility as we can for the rest of it.
Valan Anthos wrote:Oh I'm definitely curious about the vegan jerky! I would love to learn more preservation techniques for high calorie vegetarian foods.