John Wolfram wrote:Sure it would be better if the branches hadn't been cut, but in a few years time the effects should be minimal.
John Wolfram wrote:Looks like a pretty nice tree to me, although the buds pushing out already is a tad concerning. If it was my tree, I'd probably lop off the top just above where the white tag is and see how it grows.
Anne Miller wrote:
Maybe the poor drainage has something to do with something else? Maybe your water table?
Here are some threads that you or others might find interesting:
John C Daley wrote:What are you trying to do with the soil?
Michael Cox wrote:I think in part this comes down to what you intend to use the area for.
If an orchard, where you will tolerate some grass, then cardboard and woodchip sounds appropriate. It would shift the balance towards soil that favours fruit trees over grass.
On the other hand, if you want to plant an annual veggie garden, I would consider woodchips to be inappropriate. It takes quite a while for the grass layer to start decomposing, and fresh woodchips are a less than ideal growing medium.
I have done both, and now prefer to start new areas off by tilling. I then maintain them by top dressing with well rotted compost/chicken coop bedding, combined with light hoe work and occasional spot weeding.
Fresh woodchips are reserved for fruit trees and paths.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:Hi Kris! If you can leave the grass in place, that's less work. Though personally I would be inclined to turn the grass and other rough organic matter into that soil, just to help it breathe and drain. And then build beds on top of that.
But a critical question: what kind of grass do you have? Have you successfully smothered it before (even by accident)? The rhizomes of an invasive grass like quackgrass will travel horizontally for a long distance to find a crack it can grow through.