Edward Norton wrote:Jay’s method works a treat. I emptied our recycling wheelie bin and used it with a fork.
Jan White wrote:
Jordan Holland wrote:Imagine that that person has had nothing but bad experiences. Nothing but failure. Imagine that that person has decided to give the world one more chance to show that life is worth living before they choose to end it. And that chance is you. Please be kind.
Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse here, but I had the same reaction as Robin and DC, and I don't think it was an unfair one. To me, what you, Jordan, are saying here is that this hypothetical person can't take another bad experience or failure, but I don't think you made it clear that saying no to someone politely doesn't count as failure. What came across was that the rejection itself, not the manner of the rejection, is what could possibly push this person over the edge. If you'd said "please be kind in the way you say no to them," I think your intended meaning would have been clear. As it was, what I got was " imagine if this person gets one more rejection they're going to end it, so please be kind and don't reject them."
I just thought wording it differently might help you understand why we all got the meaning we did from it.