I bare handed pulled my chicory intybus from the roadside years ago. I have transplanted roots with stems and leaves year after year with minor foliage on them in cooler times. They have grown massive and abundant. I have tasted the leaves and realize I could stand to learn a lot about cooking. (bitter beyond tolerance of this o lad). My plants are in north Texas...came from Appalachian Mts. Their roots are going to be tested for coffee additive/substitute this fall before transplanting to the "outback" (slightly desert area in my backyard). No doubt some will survive in the front, moist flowerbed and all will be compared for climate/moisture happiness. I reckon I will intentionally leave a couple or so in the front bed. I anticipate there could be seed ready to germinate in that same front bed area. We'll see. I hope this helps your root rooting/propagating ideas.