James Berry

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since Jun 18, 2022
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Recent posts by James Berry

Hello all,

I feel your pain, here on the big island of hawaii we have money hoarders that are keen to invest money for things that benefit them. But the reality is that there are many people on the fringe that barely have the money to sustain themselves. An example is we have a feral dog problem and I wanted to start an animal sanctuary but being new to the community and an outsider let’s say they were rather rudely unexcited about me asking them to put skin in the game to the tune of $25 each. So I started a nonprofit and raffled off my Harley to get the funds. Well, we are now on the way to having an animal sanctuary and continue to take off big ticket items. Think out of the box in ways that can be accomplished solely on your own.
2 months ago
Hello all,

I am in Hawaii (Hawaii Oceanview, largest and oldest subdivision in the USA and the least inhabited) I have 24 solar panels (200 watts each from Renogy) that charge a bank of (48) 3.2 volt 60 amp hour lithium batteries in 12 volt pairs with a healthy BMS (from a site called battery hookup) going through (3) 10k inverters enough to power all my lights, electric stove, washer (I line dry) a ductless split a/c system (if I ever have a need to use it) and led grow lights for two enclosed 20x40 two level hydroponic grow houses (fruits and veggies only! Well maybe a plant or two for personal use😏) I seldom need to use the a/c because of the tradewinds and due to the most excellent weather my house has 6x10 sliding doors on all sides so it is open to the weather when I want it to be. I use a homemade wind mill that is three 40’ aluminum ladders set at 25’ in height tig welded in a tripod configuration (so I can climb up for repairs) with guy wires in between the ladders connected to two 250 amp ac delco alternators via direct gearing so I could change gearing to find the sweet spot for rpm. I have the windmill locked out during the day with a bicycle disc brake activated from the ground because I get so much power from the solar panels and need to keep it alive during tropical storms (and daytime wind is around 20 mph that high up during the day and averages 5-10 mph in the evening) I rarely need to engage the wind generation but it’s there as backup on overcast or rainy days. I can utilize this system because I am in a year around growing season (even at 3000’) but if you go this way you either need to build your system to withstand winter temps and ice buildup on the blades (the reason I decided to move to Hawaii, along with a year around growing season) I have it pretty sweet here compared to those living INCONUS and I salute you all for your hardwork and thriving against foul weather and predators.
2 months ago
Hello everyone. My name is Jim, I am a 63 year old man with land on the big island that I am starting to homestead. Build a home for myself (ourselves) and rentals, build a massive hydroponics facility, keep bees, that I am in (Oceanview) is not reflective of the big tourist traps on the islands, it is a rural community where we police each other. I am starting a non-profit to assist in community projects and so much more. I am looking for a long term (forever if possible) partner to homestead in paradise with. Age is not important although realize I am 63 but in decent shape and getting m more fit each day.
2 months ago

I see that you have a fairly substantial number of men vying for your attention so if you have made a choice I respect that. I am not going to write you paragraphs on myself as even though I am good with my prose, I am a man of few words and prefer actions. If you are interested in finding out more I would love to speak with you either via email, text, or in person. I have a lot to contribute.
jimberry3@yahoo.com, I hope to hear from you one way or the other, be safe and keep on keeping on.
2 months ago

I hope this’s finds you and yours well. My name is Jim, my son, and a few friends are looking for an opportunity like this and are very interested. I have lived off grid before and look forward to it again, much construction and building trades experience along with a youth filled with farming and livestock. Is there any way that you might be interested in selling a few acres of your parcel? There is nothing as frustrating as working and developing a property and then something happen and all the work is lost and we are left homeless. Being homeless is not a big thing for me, I can cope with anything but you always want more for your children. I can be reached at jimberry3@yahoo.com or at 808-283-7632
7 months ago
The land is rolling, never been used before except for maybe grazing, should be minimal restrictions as it’s agg land, chem trails in the sky? If you are referring to a condensation trail from jets then yes, it’s how people get to any airport they are all over the place in the world, if you are a believer in a Chem trail conspiracy theory i would appreciate you not joining in with us if it goes further. I am hoping to build a community where we are all level headed people working toward a cohesive goal of a functioning community where we are living with the natural resources like wind and solar for power and we  help each other i am not really down with conspiracy theorists it usually just ends badly when someone spouts off something with no reality in the world and others call them an idiot, it just does not make for good neighbors
2 years ago
I have lived in Haik’u on Maui, outside of pahoa on hilo side of the big island and have a place in ocean view closer to Kona side. I don’t know if you have ever gotten deep into puna, but if not born and raised there let’s just say there is not a lot of aloha for outsiders. Honestly, the cost of land is less expensive on the big island I agree but the quality of the land available is questionable, Kona side all lava and it’s a hardscrabble existence trying to grow, Hilo side most plots larger than I acres are gone and the land available are called spaghetti lots as they are usually around 70’ wide by 300’ deep.
This is why I prefer Maui and making a large purchase and dividing it up. Less hardcore on Maui, more fertile land available, more services and people willing to help, and honestly it does not cost a lot more to live on Maui than other places unless you want to buy at the stores instead of living off of the land, plenty of wild chickens and eggs, plenty of boar, plenty of fruit, waters are more stable for fishing, share a cow if you want etc.
2 years ago
Dave, thank you for saying something!! I was hoping someone else would show an interest. I know it’s tricky putting this out there without already owning the land, i was looking at various corporations that could be utilized for such a mass purchase in order to protect all of the investors and then dissolved after the land was subdivided. I think it would be awesome if we were to find enough people to accomplish this. A lot of people don’t think out of the box i.e: out of the Continental US when they think of these opportunities
2 years ago
Hello everyone, I am new on here, I have been farming since I was a kid on my grandfathers farm and a licensed builder for many decades. My wife and I had a place on Maui for many years until for family reasons we had to leave. We bought a few acres on the Big Island to retire too but unfortunately breast cancer ruined that plan. And now the fact is I don't want to go there without her, but it's time to start a new chapter. Maui is the only place in this whole world I have visited that I felt at home (and I have been all over) but it is so expensive property wise that its not really an option for most. I did some exploring and found a 360 acre patch of land that has been for sale for a few years and I recognized it as a place I had looked at quite a few years before when it was for sale previous. It is in upcountry near Kula and I was thinking if enough people were to get together we could purchase it as a group and subdivide it into individual parcels it would come out to approximately $19,000 per acre including costs associated with the purchase. It is farmable land at a good elevation with a great tourist economy to sell whatever you grow or make to. My wife did not like this idea when I broached it to her before her death but that was because in her view there were just to much of a chance no-one would see the opportunity. I am including some info on it, its fertile land, out of the path of tourists but close enough to them, the islanders are very nice, grow coffee, chocolate, fruits, animals etc. But I feel I need to put it out there.
2 years ago