Saira Ramallo

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since Dec 15, 2022
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Recent posts by Saira Ramallo

Many thanks, Nina! Do you find that the paper towels develop any mold problems?
So, I just got my hands on some lavender seeds and stinging nettle seeds this week. Both of which I need to start ASAP, because I intend to use them as repellent plants (among other uses, but that's the most immediate need). They're going to help me keep the deer away from other plants/trees. In particular, I'm curious to see if I can use the nettles to guard hostas, and lavender to guard my fledgling orchard.

SO..... it's March already, and spring is coiled up, ready to be sprung. How do you guys do your cold stratification?
Sand? Vermiculite? Paper towels? Moist or dry? How many weeks do I actually need?
I'd rather get this kind of advice from permie gardeners than books or impersonal websites. Feel free, also, to share failures along with successes. Was recently reminded that sharing failures can motivate others to keep trying, because we're all still figuring this stuff out.

Also, if you guys think it's too late in the season and I've missed the window... go ahead and tell me, I'd rather not waste seeds/emotional energy.

Oh and a warning - do not ingest whilst pregnant or breastfeeding.

Why not? I ask with some concern, as I'm nursing a toddler and have already taken a three-week course of yarrow. :-/
1 year ago
Ok, transplantation... total and unmitigated noob here... how do you do that? I'm asking here because I want to know how permies gardeners do such things, not how conventional instructables say to do things. I've got compost in the works (many thanks to David the Good for his book!), but I've only been at it for a couple of months so far. I'd certainly far rather make fertilizer than buy it... for many reasons... not least because we don't have much capital to throw around. So, transplants? root cuttings? crown cuttings? Details!

Speaking of which, many thanks also to Robin Katz for the information on your hugel beds! We are looking at the upright logs notion for our own prospective hugel, because it's midslope. And I like the idea of something to sit on as well.
1 year ago
We have a strip of ugly old asphalt running through our front yard. Maybe I should try a few seeds there. And there's a patch of almost-nothing-growing where I planted some freshly-gathered root cuttings earlier today. Planting root cuttings is something I'm guessing my way through, never done it before. Robin Katz, could you go into more detail about how you arrange your hugel garden beds? That's another thing I'm doing by guesswork and from hints foraged from around here. When I have time to do so. See aforementioned toddler.
1 year ago
My father-in-law uses it regularly for a recurrent cough (damage from past illnesses). My husband also has a tendency to severe coughs during a cold. My toddler has an inherited tendency towards earaches. And getting organically-grown mullein that doesn't come from countries where one is inclined to question whether organic standards are really being upheld... well, that ranges from 'doable, but expensive' to 'difficult to find and even more expensive' to 'nowhere to be found'. Like a lot of remedy ingredients, I'm attempting to source my own. Even better, share them with others. Maybe many others. Maybe for legal tender to help support my family. And if nothing else, it seems to be a bit of a soil builder. Which I need rather badly on our newly-acquired-and-mostly-untamed homestead. Lots of clay, compaction, and pioneer plants. But no mullein. YET!
1 year ago
I'm trying to grow mullein. Lots of it. Gobs of it. Whole heaping truckloads of it, if possible. It would seem that, as usual, I'm a weird person trying to do things that you're not supposed to do. All the research I've done on the internetz tells me how to grow mullein with purchased soil. And.... no. Thank you, no. I know I'm a total, abject, unmitigated noob, and I've never grown anything from seed to seed-maker in my life.... but I really can't stand the idea that I can't grow things in my own ****ing dirt. I don't have finished compost ready, because this is my first year growing, and I really don't want to purchase compost either, because Grazon. I have mullein seeds, I have access to local (side of the road) mullein plants. I have access to information on how you're supposed to grow stuff. So please, fellow permies... can anyone tell me how I'm not supposed to propagate this delightful plant?
1 year ago
If you have a decent food processor or blender, this cake. 1 lb of spent lemons can be substituted for the oranges. You could increase the sugar, or not, as you choose.

Edit- ignore the ‘don’t purée’ bit. Works fine with purée. I do mine in a vitamix

1 cup butter (225g), softened or browned
1 1/4 cups (250g) granulated sugar
3 large eggs
2 oranges (about 1 lb or 450g), ends trimmed, then cut into chunks and seeded
2 1/2 cups (315g) flour (if whole-grain, add 2 egg yolks)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder

1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
2 tablespoons plus 1 tsp. orange juice

Preheat oven to 325°. Grease a 10-cup Bundt pan or 2 8x4 loaf pans. In a large bowl with a mixer on medium speed, beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs.

Whirl orange chunks in a food processor until mostly smooth but not puréed. Add 1 1/2 cups orange mixture to batter and beat until blended. Add flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder to bowl and beat until smooth. Spread batter in prepared pan.

Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out with only a few crumbs clinging to it, about 55 minutes. Cool pan on a rack 10 minutes, then invert cake onto rack and let cool completely.

Whisk together powdered sugar and orange juice in a small bowl. Drizzle over cooled cake. Let glaze set, then slice cake.
2 years ago