Hi All,
(My first post! Woot!)
One pointy corner of my fence (think like the point of a piece of pie) is right against a blackberry bramble that the county seems to be using as an approximately 12’ barrier between a walking/biking corridor and the yards of the houses that line the corridor.
I’m looking for help in two things.
One is glove recommendations to deal with chopping back the canes each year. I have small hands with stubby fingers (usually between a woman’s small, that best fits my fingers and medium that best fit my palm) and pretty beefy and short forearms (the widest part being 32cm). I can’t for the life of me find any kind of gauntlet type gloves to fit me! I’m figuring I’ll have to do some customization to get anything to work. Any recommendations on thorn resistant gloves and ways to modify them for my particular hand/arm variation would be very welcome! I do very basic sewing but I haven’t done any leather-based sewing.
Two, whether you all think these berries would be safe to harvest considering the following details: I know one neighbor uses pesticides to keep their yard from being encroached on. This touches about 3 feet of shared fence. The other neighbor does yearly chopping back. It seems the county keeps the blackberries off the walking path through a combination of a heavy mowing twice a year. I haven’t seen any spraying in the two years I’ve been here. So, considering those factors, do you think, if I train a small bit of the blackberries, away from the pesticide fence and with a “spray barrier” to minimize drift, that we could harvest a bit safely?
Thanks so much for looking at my post!
I am so glad I found this community and I look forward to learning a bunch from you all!