Bever Branson

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since Mar 25, 2024
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Recent posts by Bever Branson

I am practicing field grains for the table
9 hours ago
Wowee!  Good luck boot campers!!!  What a great opportunity.
There are things in our generation which are stronger than next gen young people. INSIDE that boundary in my opinion  pound for pound, some of us can work circles around those half our age or younger.

Maintaining core strength and being vigilant not to incur injury is definitely something to remind each other about so I thank you for this insight
1 week ago
The regenerative culture talk from Ecuador was quite heartwarming.  Their historic culture of healing and earth generated power was the highlight of my day at this seminar.
  The regenerative healing they discussed was human culture and ourselves and each other and our connectivity to all that is around us.
1 week ago
I found the schedule at their LINK from the email registration response.  They have a Live Chat that is open the schedule was on there

The schedule starts at NOON today Saturday I'm assuming NOON Bastrop TX time (central?)
Having attended online training sessions before, what typically happens is I receive an email with link(received when I registered)
THEN, topic by topic I receive a TXT MSG reminder a few minutes before each class/topic starts.  Then I hit the link from my email or go to the YouTube channel or wherever it is as an open window on my device.

Then I join the chat line
Then the host usually yip yaps awhile as people arrive online
The CHAT LINE is where the interesting people are!!!
Be sure to enter questions on the CHAT LINE if offered as an opportunity, as the speakers sometimes leave time for answering questions
The schedule moves at a madcap rate, probably no Q&A
John Bush :  Vision and Roadmap to Get There
12:10 Earthwaking Village
12:35 Living the OffGrid Dream
1:00 Success Factors creating and Sustaining
1:30 Intentionally Awesome
2:00 Regenerative Culture Seeds Transcendence
2:45 PMA, trust, ministry
3:30 action steps to design private residential village
4:20 Exit Plan and Build Dreams

1 week ago
Just signed up and receiving preliminary information.  I hope the seminar has automated SetUp at 5 am is quite early for some actual.people.  There is an upgrade I noticed that gives attendees access to an option to view and review sessions.

Thank you Liv for email invitation and link to join the seminar for free training!
1 week ago
I think I saw this in research but medicines Sans Frontiers central Africa where desert women construct what they call weirs
2 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I think that our topic host could find someone to terraform a terrace on her slope, and maybe even a gardening mound to mitigate the stopping and bending of gardening.
3 weeks ago