Bart Simons

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since Sep 24, 2024
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I use Niger (bird) seeds to make microgreens – it’s quite unusual but Niger has a lot of advantages, it’s high in phosphor, Kalium, Iron and very rich in vitamin K – in Africa and India the oil of Niger seeds is also used to treat Rheumatic pains by using the oil as a lotion – I consume the microgreens of Niger in my smoothies but also in salads - I have a muscle disease, one way or the other I have the feeling that a lot of discomfort of my muscle disease is relieved by using the microgreens as a food source – I use and have used in the past years a lot of different microgreens and sprouts but only when I start to use the Niger Microgreens the discomfort of my muscle pains was relieved, though there aren’t any studies which proofs my claim, I kept on using it – beside Niger bird seeds, I also use Milk Thistle (bird) seeds, Buckwheat (bird) seeds and sunflower (bird) seeds – they’re a lot cheaper as the seeds designated for microgreens or sprouting – bird seeds usually sell for around 5€/kg while seeds for sprouting or microgreens going from 20€/kg upwards    
5 months ago