Kota, that's crazy. Around here when one hunter gets mad at another hunter, he sprinkles wolf urine around his deer stand and deer are not seen in that area again for quite a long time.
Although I should say that we do have a dog who roams freely around the property. The deer don't seem to give two figs for her.
Anyway I just wanted to put in a plug for the Plantskydd again (and no, I don't work for them, nor do I sell it.) I had some unknown plants growing near my tomatoes, tall and succulent. I had decided to just leave them, because I thought they were interesting and they weren't hurting anything. A deer ate them last night, but completely avoided the numerous tomato plants that were growing less than two feet away. I had sprayed them with Plantskydd a few weeks earlier. It works, it takes two seconds to apply, and that's all you have to do. You guys can do what works for you, but I will never bother with anything else.