Creative feeding programs sourced onsite to cut costs up to 100%
Feed on compost, sprouts, wild foods, worms, tree crops, garden...
Lessen your workload by using chickens in the garden
Appropriate housing options for coops and mobile shelters
Using technology, like electric netting, to easily manage your birds
Work with nature to maximize yields while minimizing inputs
Humanely butcher and preserving for food security
Preparing delicious dishes
Making a right livelihood with profitable farmer, Joel Salatin
Follow the pro's on large scale chicken chores at Polyface Farms
See the city chick operations in Pat Forman’s backyard
Grow and use herbs to prevent and treat illness with Lisa Steele
Breed your own for 100% self-sustainability with Jim Adkins
Hatching chicks with mother hen to easily raise your own
Adjust to winter and summer extremes to maximize production
Included in this video are four leading chicken experts:
Joel Salatin Pretty much the 'BIG daddy' of the sustainable food movement.
Jim Adkins
Jim Adkins of the Sustainable Poultry Network will teach you how to breed your own flock for 100% sustainability.
Pat Foreman
Author and Speaker Pat Foreman is the “City Chick” and shares a wealth of information on backyard chickens.
Lisa Steele
Author, Lisa Steele, of the insanely popular Fresh Eggs Daily showcases her backyard operation and will teach you about using herbs to boost immune systems and overall health of our flocks.