The Ultimate Wood Oven
Build your own rocket-powered wood-burning oven
Save the world and your money with all the information you need to build a super-efficient wood oven!
Enjoy the instructional movie and get all the plans to build your own rocket-powered wood oven. With a carbon footprint of just 1% of an electric oven, you can power it for free using just a few twigs from your yard!
Why Rocket-Powered
Wood Ovens?

Power your wood oven for free!
Fire a rocket oven using only scrap wood and twigs from your backyard.
Truly sustainable cooking
This eco-friendly oven is the solution for reducing your carbon footprint. Limit harmful emissions by using a fraction of the wood needed for conventional wood ovens. Pizza ovens to the rescue!
Efficient combustion process
"Rocket-powered" doesn't refer to actual rockets... We use the word "rocket" because it's super-efficient, and heats up in a flash. The design allows for a super clean burn, using less fuel, and minimizing smoke and pollutants.
Be more self-reliant
These are do-it-yourself project plans that are designed to be created with low-cost materials and are suitable for anyone with basic skills (no welding required!)
No need to worry about power outages
Enjoy the benefits of sustainable cooking, without relying on imported gas, electricity or propane. Even a suburban backyard can provide enough wood for a rocket oven.
What is a Rocket-Powered
Wood Oven?

The Rocket Oven is a wood burning oven that cooks food at temperatures of 500+ degrees F. This means you can cook whatever you want without having to use propane or charcoal. The best part? You can build it yourself!

- The Rocket-Powered Wood Oven is a revolutionary DIY cooking solution that utilizes rocket stove technology to create a sustainable way of cooking your favorite meals with minimal fuel input.
- This wood-fired oven has been designed to produce a powerful and efficient flame that can quickly reach high temperatures, allowing you to cook your food faster and with less wood.
- You can build your own Rocket-Powered Wood Oven with low-cost materials that will last for years to come.
- The burn chamber is constructed from heat-resistant refractory bricks, while the rest of the oven is made from steel.
- Rocket-Powered Ovens heat up fast and can cook food quickly and evenly!
Need inspiration?
- Grilled vegetables
- Roasted garlic bread
- Margherita pizza
- Wood-fired salmon
- Pie!
- and so much more!

What Folks say about the
Wood Oven Movie
~Nicole A.
~Kate M.
~Alex M.

Images courtesy of Steve Boyd
What's in the plans?
$60 value

J-Tube Plans

A J-tube is a burn chamber that enables super-efficient burning with little fuel.
Authored by Davin Hoyt
Format: PDF file
Pages: 5
Print size: 48"x36"
Price: 20 USD
Rocket Oven 1.0 Plans

Authored by Davin Hoyt; Designed and built by Tim Barker for Wheaton Labs in 2016.
Format: PDF file
Pages: 3
Print size: 48"x36"
Price: 20 USD
Rocket Oven 2.0 Plans

Authored by Davin Hoyt; Designed and built by Tyler Morrison for Paul Wheaton's Rocket Oven DVD project in 2018.
Format: PDF file
Pages: 3
Print size: 48"x36"
Price: 20 USD
Meet the Instructors

Tyler Morrison
Tyler Morrison is the Rocket Powered Oven movie Safety Instructor. With his extensive knowledge and experience, Tyler provides highly effective demonstrations on the proper materials, tools and safety for building and operating a Rocket Oven. His attention to detail and passion for helping others make him a true asset in the field. We are lucky to have Tyler's expertise in this movie!

Tim Barker
Tim has come a long way since his days as a diesel fitter mechanic, and now spends his time between Australia and New Zealand (and sometimes the US) as a semi professional pyromaniac and mad scientist, teaching people how to burn stuff and make really cool machines and devices for low carbon living. He currently teaches Appropriate Technology for the Koanga Institute in New Zealand and Very Edible Gardens (VEG) in Melbourne, to name a few.

Chris 'Uncle Mud' McClellan
Uncle Mud (aka Chris McClellan) raises free-range, organic children in suburban Ohio. He has been using natural building as his soapbox to preach self-reliance and community empowerment, since 2004. Building houses, pizza ovens, and woodstoves with mud and junk is his way of sharing the can-do spirit. He writes, teaches workshops and hosts mud pit and DIY building demonstrations at fairs across the US.

Paul Wheaton
Paul Wheaton is a strong proponent of permaculture. The events that he hosts at his permaculture demonstration site, Wheaton Labs, have led to the development of rocket stove and rocket mass heater technology, extensive earthworks featuring hugelkultur, solar food dehydrator innovations, and many roundwood timber frame structures.

Wood Oven Movie

Wood Oven Bundle:
Movie + Plans
Best Value!

Wood Oven Plans
Copyright ©Paul Wheaton - Missoula, MT