Subject: 6 Ways to Keep Chickens, ebook - now FREE for a while
Sat and read the book this morning as soon as I downloaded it. Paul said he welcomed comments but I wasn't sure if there was a separate tread for that. It is an excellent book, the only thing I would throw out there is: have you considered Black Austorlopes? They hold the world record for egg laying @364 eggs in a 365 day period, they are friendly, big, and the rooster is a live and let live kind of guy. He finds food and calls the girls and does his best to protect them. I had a hawk try to get the chickens and he ran at it squawking and carrying on all while rounding up the girls and getting them in the coop. He then stood at the door of the coop to defend them. Luckily they were all in a well protected run and the hawk couldn't have gotten them anyway but Bruster did his part
Nicole Alderman
Subject: 6 Ways to Keep Chickens, ebook - now FREE for a while
This is Paul's ebook about raising chickens. In his search for the best way to take care of his feathered friends he kept notes - this ebook is the result.
Here's the intro:
"After years and years of scraping/shoveling/scrubbing chickenpoop, I now have a system where I don't scrape/shovel/scrub any chicken poop.
After years and years of selling meat/eggs for just a hair more than I paid for the feed, I've almost eliminated feed costs.
After years and years of not being able to take a few days away from the chickens, I now have a system where I can go more than a week."
Read all about his adventures in all things chicken, from chicken tractors to finding the best feed to how not to raise chickens.
If you don't like emails (we get that, though we're bummed!), you can buy it right HERE!