My opinion: if that many mice are getting in the house, it's time to undertake vigorous management outside.
Yes, they are destructive little wreckers, peeing and pooping and chewing, but more importantly they can import zoonotic diseases. Especially if are deer mice, which potentially carry hantavirus (related to Ebola as a hemorragic (sp?) fever. It's not hypothetical -- there have been human fatalities in my region due to improper cleanup after an infestation.
Anyway, I have a snap-trap-line to mess with these little dudes around my residence and outbuildings. If they want to go play in the woods, more power to them. (And on the occasion that a least weasel sets up shop, the problem is munched away with hyper efficiency.)
John F Dean
Subject: Mice
Hi Anne,
We have several .....maybe 7 cats ......but one is THE mouse catcher. She has a practice of showing my wife or me when she catches one and we are anywhere around. I think she figures we keep a record. By any means, she is coming up with a great many from inside the house.
We are not finding mouse tracks, so it seems she is getting them soon after they enter the house.
Leigh Tate
Subject: Mice
No, but we have four cats. :)
Anne Miller
Subject: Mice
So far we have never had that problem in the house though we have a trailer that our hunters stay in that the little creature found a way in under the bathtub where we can't get to the hole.
We use those sticky traps which I put under the sink since it has an opening to the tub.
Every so often I go out there and check for mice. One has gotten caught twice and is able to get off the sticky. The 3rd time when I checked the trap was gone so I put another one there.
Sunday it was 75' and today it is 32' so when it warms up again, I will go check for mice.
Maybe you need two cats?
John F Dean
Subject: Mice
I've made several posts about my cat and mice. She is catching several a day inside the house. It has hit me that we are overrun with mice this year....much more than normal. Is anyone else having a mouse problem?