Author Message
thomas rubino
Post 4/7/2016 3:19:31 PM     Subject: piggys support troybilt

Working away from home last fall, I was not able to get the pig rotational pens roto tilled until this spring... of course, after the new weiners were here. Was out roto tilling in a pen next to the new piglets yesterday . I thought that they would be frightened by the loud smelly red thing roaring away on the other side of the fence. Not my piggys , crouding their side .. noses twitching... they stuck rite with me and complained when I turned away from the fence. After finishing with the pen I was in , I thought ...why not see what they think about that tiller churning up their pen THEY LOVED IT !!! went into piggy food heaven!!! fresh ripped roots , wiggly tasty earth worms, followed that tiller like it was their mom ..... who would have thought ! I don't know if they even went back to their barn last night... at first light this morning they were out there "working" SO... in the event of a strike at the troybilt rototiller division my piggys support (at least for the next 4 - 5 months or so ) getting "back to work" keep them tillers coming!