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Jen Tuuli
Post 6/10/2021 4:01:08 AM     Subject: Nine's Bootcamp Experience (BRK)


Internet connection on the Lab is an adventure as well. Lost my post. Here are a few pictures. Let's try this again..
Jen Tuuli
Post 6/9/2021 2:21:04 AM     Subject: Nine's Bootcamp Experience (BRK)


Kyle and I worked on Cooper Cabin bathroom today. I got the enclosure door swinging freely, the top boards on, and everything snug as a bug. Kyle got the door put in place and ready for final adjustments. 🚪😎😁

After lunch he and I added some reflectors to the lights in the shop, and wired in stone new lights to help illuminate the classroom better. Took some doing, but it got done.

After that, prepped for Taco Tuesday, then we set Judy to watering the hugels in Arrakis. Full day. I'm ready to go lie down.
Jen Tuuli
Post 6/8/2021 6:20:17 PM     Subject: Nine's Bootcamp Experience (BRK)

Liv Smith wrote:My better half asked, after I showed him pictures of your bed, why is it so high off the ground.

Maybe you explained it somewhere, but I couldn’t remember seeing it.

Is it because you want to use the space underneath?

Yup, we're going to make a shelf in that middle area for storage as well.
Liv Smith
Post 6/8/2021 3:38:57 AM     Subject: Nine's Bootcamp Experience (BRK)

My better half asked, after I showed him pictures of your bed, why is it so high off the ground.

Maybe you explained it somewhere, but I couldn’t remember seeing it.

Is it because you want to use the space underneath?
Jen Tuuli
Post 6/8/2021 3:22:46 AM     Subject: Nine's Bootcamp Experience (BRK)


Got the sink and toilet enclosure frame installed in Cooper Cabin while Kyle worked on the bathroom door frame. Woohoo, progress!

Had to cut one of the legs off Erica's beautiful sink cabinet. 😭 I ended up screwing the cabinet to the wall stud, so legs are extra. 😂

The door on the enclosure is giving me fits, so I struggled with that a bit this afternoon. Hopefully I'll get that squared away so I can move on to attaching the top boards and getting those finished up. Slowly but surely.