Vickey McDonald wrote:Where I live in Alaska outhouses are a normal thing. Would love to help convince others to change to a more useful system that could provide a useable compost as well.
Elizabeth Echeverria wrote:I would totally back this movie! My question is that it seems that the willow feeder method is based on sort of storing the poop for a while and the whole thing drying/staying pretty dry while being stored (apologies if I don't fully understand, and all the more reason for the movie, but that's my understanding anyway). So I would really like to know how well this would work in a humid summer climate--the kind of climate where stored poop might stink more and things don't dry out.
Ulla Bisgaard wrote:Does anyone know how to decaffeinate homegrown coffee beans?
Ulla Bisgaard wrote:The first substitute I have looked into, is chicory. I seeded and planted it last spring, so it’s about a year old now. I just don’t know when I should dig up the root. The research I have done, says to dig it up when it’s done flowering, and in general has died down. Well, mine has been flowering for over 6 months now, and leaves keeps coming back. I think it might be perennial where we live. Does anyone know when I should harvest the root?
Melissa Silverline wrote:Once again tempted, very very tempted, to sell everything and thumb it up to Montana.