The best way to approach the land is to think about what the land can do for you. Write down its benefits as well as its drawbacks. When you know what you have to work with, and let me emphasis that phrase again: work
with, then you can truly begin to consider what the best thing to do with the land is. The land may not be right for producing crops for consumption. Even though you may want to produce an entire array of fresh produce, ready for harvest, the purpose of the land may not match your hopes. It decides what it can do, not the human. The land may be beneficial for many other aspects that do not involve the planting of trees such as: being a habitat for animals, being an educational plot, harvesting rain water, small perennial fruit shrubs that can grow perpendicular to the steep slope, or you can go hog-wild, plant some really amazing trees, and let nature take over. Being a bare plot of land, that grows nettles, brambles and elder may be its purpose in the natural ecosystem. It looks like it is flourishing beautifully. Don't forget how amazing a simple landscape can be. Also, don't fight nature. Listen to it, learn and plan accordingly