We have 6 young laying hens about 5 mos old, supposedly black orpington breed but not sure. None have begun laying but are due to very soon. Within the last day one has become lethargic, squatting when all the other bids race to get scraps, not interested in eating or drinking, can walk right up to her and pick her up, vent is pulsing as she breathes. lost a bunch of feathers on her neck, not sure if it was the other birds or if she tore them out, wouldn't go into the coop tonight and was sitting out in the rain...we figured it could be a stuck egg (it would be her first) and did the warm water bath and massage on her abdomen to try to free up an egg if there is one stuck. Not really sure how to tell if its an egg stuck, cant feel what would be an egg.
Any suggestions, we have her in a clean box full of straw indoors.