Magenta Vaughn

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since Jan 04, 2013
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Recent posts by Magenta Vaughn

Please do NOT plant this tree. It will take over. The more I fight these trees, trying to cut them down, the more pop up from the roots. They have even sprouted up in my green house and I am having a hard time keeping them away.
1 month ago
I wasn't sure if this is a similar enough category to post under but because of the awareness of zoning laws and such I figured this was the closest.

I read the post about splitting up property into 4 titles to move a tiny house quarterly. I liked that creative solution! I have recently found land I want to buy but this would mean I need to move there. I am brainstorming and looking for what other people have done temporarily to live in while planning, getting permits and building a long term dwelling. I have thought about yurts, elk tents, making a custom tent, concrete fabric, etc... Many of my ideas that are simple would violate zoning rules I'm worried- and slightly more sturdy ideas like a cob hut. I'm afraid would cost more- and probably the funds would be best suited towards the bigger project. Also open to buying a tiny house! Does anyone know what is generally accepted inside city limits? (I clearly need to call the city!) I would be happy to tent camp, but feel like neighbors from my possible 5 acres may not be happy with that. I would love any experience or suggestions, thoughts, any input! Thanks!

9 years ago
My boyfriend are in our mid twenties and are visiting friends and family in NY this weekend and thought while we are in the beautiful East Coast might as well do something we really love- taking care of this gorgeous earth (where the weather is better) and help someone with their home! I've worked on a farm for a week through work away and I have several years experience in home repair. My boyfriend is a hard worker, he really likes gardening and land prep. I'm more on the construction side but we are both eager to learn and practice the gaps we have to fill! I've worked on a farm last summer in I know I can handle whatever you've got to toss at got pretty hot last year down here. We are willing to just help out a family or individual who needs help, we wanna play in the dirt and learn for our own house we are hopefully starting this fall as it cools down. We would like to stay with you and be fed in exchange for work and we are okay with camping. Let me know if you need some fun loving hard working hands!

11 years ago
I am interested in putting in something super heavy duty. We have a stone quarry near by and my family and I have always loved big rocks. There seems to be a little on bricks and a lot of information on earthen floors, but I have not seen anything on marble, granite or limestone flooring. Is there a reason for this, or is it just so big and awful to move so it is not popular? Most materials for the house will be from our property (hopefully) but I am willing to spend some money to have a stone floor. I'm just starting to transform from the dream stage to the actual planning phase. Anyone with knowledge or experience -I would be very grateful, as I am not sure how practical my concepts will turn out to be in practice. What is the thinnest I can go without having danger of it cracking? To be more specific, I'm thinking more slab size than "large stone", but until I actually visit the quarry will not know what the measurement options are. (We tend to have heavy steel furniture that we constantly shift around) I want to combine wooden tree poles for supports and sod for walls. And hopefully the bathroom will be all stone.

11 years ago
Hi there.

I'm trying to gain all the experience I can building homes and running them with self sustaining systems. I'll be in Germany next week. I would love to come find you fellow permies and spend a week or two helping with your new home if you are there now!

let me know if you have any interest,
12 years ago
Has anyone built a house with hook ups to wash laundry? I am trying to decide if that should be left to a hand washing job or if there should be a washer. I have plenty of water on property.
What do you do with your soapy water? If I use borax I don't want it to go into compost or a place where animals will be near. Any thoughts, experiences on how you handle laundry in your home?
12 years ago
This is a beautiful combination of the most enjoyable things... I have a bit of experience in building and repair. Have done minimal gardening and am very interested in permaculture. I am trying to gain more knowledge on the fun and planning of self sustainable living and am working on home plans for a piece of land I have and would like to grow with years down the line. I will be back from traveling in April and looking for what is next in my life. Please send me information if you are still seeking a fellow gypsy!
12 years ago