Yeah, I think you are right on, Miles.
And Dave, I actually may be getting a woman who I supply eggs to to look after our place for two days. I think she is kind of excited about it. Heck, I would have been a few years ago.
I guess it's just been a lot of change in the past few years.
My husband and I went from adventuring every weekend (and most nights after work) to having a different kind of adventure. We now own property and we're living the life I dreamed of. I'm doing a lot of stuff I'm really proud of, and I actually want to expand and put roots down deeper.
Over the past three years, we had a beautiful son, bought current house (with 2+ acres), I got a promotion (more work/more stress), My husband decided to be a stay at home dad, now he's starting his own business. So we do a lot of tag team parenting. I get off of work, while he's heading to work. I think I just am nostalgic. However, I think that by getting away for a few days, will be centering.
It's all so good. But sometimes good is hard.
I thank you for being so totally understanding. It was really cathartic to "talk" this out.