Greetings beautiful being.
I am available for a flexible unique work trade educational experience (internship/apprenticeship/membership) in exchange for livable private space and longevity.
I am interested in engaging with healing arts spaces/healers/birth workers/free skools/medicinal shops/free clinics/private practices and other styles of being, so please let me know if we are a fit for each other! I will love to schedule a phone call with you, whenever.
AVAILABILITY: Fall Equinox 2016-Spring Equinox 2017
I have lots of unique skills in perennial/wild/self pollinating seed saving/distribution/collection/education, bio-regional herbalism, natural land restoration, wild weeds wisdom, out/indoor clutter removal/organization, ethical wild crafting and foraging, preservation methods (plants and animals), creating a range of dietary specific meals, community formation/organizing, accountability, writing/editing, business/personal assisting, regional event coordinating, fundraising, dance/song/music, pregnancy/postpartum support, organic produce/culinary herbs, child/senior assisting/companionship, un/homeschooling, and can support the community in various ways!
I am looking for a nurturing environment; one that focuses on personal and group well being, growth, sustainable and equal living. That values work, the arts, healing and rest. I am summoning a healing homestead that creates a lifestyle around what I love: Creating a lifestyle around foraging, growing, collecting, dehydrating and using plant foods and medicines including integrating wild edibles, homegrown foods and plant medicine into my daily life and community dynamics. A community with some emphasis on getting medicine and knowledge/skills to low-income folks and/or folks with limited access to resources. I seek to have a healing, open, educational, motivative, inspirational live in or close by opportunity.
I am currently expanding my knowledge of all animals healing practices/emergency response/balancing from pharmaceuticals, partner dance/acro yoga, social/economic justice, winter local eating/foraging, herbal medicine making (powders/vinegar tinctures/ animal fat salves), wild weeds uses/education, folklore, animal breeding/butchering/processing, trans healing, perennial and wild seed saving, natural land restoration and healing, using preserves, grant/law/seed writing, prisoner support, palmistry/reflexology, spirit guides, cultural wisdom and regeneration, ancestor and past life acknowledgement and healing, trans/queer birthing, breech and multiples birth attending, distributing medicinals and seeds, bioregional educational series, languages/tongues (Kiswahili, Español, Sign Language), geology identifications, natural navigation, healthy communication, communal living, spindle/fiber crafts, friction fires, and more.
I am a queer, mindful activist living with moderation. I create and distribute seasonal Herbal Crafts and Medicine. I am the co-founder of several Seed Lending Libraries across the country. I do Seed Restoration of scarred landscapes. I have experience working with wild foods educators and routinely engage in work trade agreements. I currently write for Seed BroadCast Journal, EarthFirst! Journal and Utah Tar Sands Resistance. I offer transparency and accountability processes for grassroots organizational groups/collectives. I sponsor a Diné Family resisting relocation from Peabody Coal and affiliates. I educate the public about and protect mountains from resource extraction. I led Bio-regional Workshops/Seminars; Seed Saving then Restoration, Seed to Seed Plant Cycle, Dehydration as Preservation and Salve Making.
REFERENCES: available
Please forward my information if you know of another person/place!
My biggest VISION of a community:
aligned beliefs/actions, accountability of actions/words, communal decision making/information sharing, varying options of task based work trade for housing/food/utilities/communal needs, private living and communal spaces, Equal and Valued contributions/choices/opinions/ideas, inspire ourselves/each other/the community, land generating needed income with group cohesion, shared resources/vehicles, emotional and psychological support, ethnic diversity and celebration, valuing gender and sexual identities, aware of privilege and uses to aid others, multi-lingual, indigenous partnerships, one-on-one and group relationships with land mates, nurturing and healing group activities, substance use policy, community invited to help, water catchment/flowing water, spring water/grey water system, perennial gardens and seed saving, dehydration/preservation space, wild crafting/foraging, ancient life ways, radical guest housing, live birth of varies animals, communal youth care with informal teaching, intergenerational, kitchen in nature, toilet in nature, cold storage/cellar, homestead educational series/free skool, medicinal booth, craft/art/music spaces, natural rhythms/sustainable lifestyles, moonly community potlucks, land mates engaged in wider community, pack/work and roaming animals
Sending you magic, excitement, wonderment, butterflies, preying mantis, inspiration, wild horses, rainbows, clouds.
Appreciating the journey