San Francisco South Bay Area, Zone 11: Here is a picture of the PANACHE FIG and then BLACKJACK FIG. My friends have a fig tree in Phoenix, Arizona that is 35 feet high and 30 feet wide. They love the heat! I'm afraid to plant mine into the ground since, sadly, I have a suburban lot. One of these days I will have my acreage, then I'll grow a beautiful fig tree naturally. Meanwhile, here's a pic of my 3-year-old "Backyard Orchard Culture" - fruit tree hedge - dwarves - cherries, pears, asian pear, nectarines, peach, apricot, plum, almond and Granny Smith apple. I used white clover as the nitrogen-fixer. I was afraid to plant chop-'n-drop acacia trees due to small space.
Permaculture Enthusiast