Jack Nelson

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since Dec 04, 2016
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Dear Paul: On my personal financial spreadsheet, which I designed myself and taught myself to keep daily eight years ago, I noted on September 10, 2020 at 6:20 AM CDT that I gave a "thumbs up" to respond to commit to purchasing 32 copies of a certain book that you were promoting, for $ 240.00, to include shipping.  I asked, can they be shipped to the Philippines.  Specifically, Ma. Clenielle Paz S. Cayacap Nelson / Purok 5, Villarica / 9410 Midsayap / Cotabato, Philippines.  How much extra will I need to send you, to that "mailboxes etcetera type" mailing address in Missoula, to have the books shipped via LBC Express to that individual?  My new phone number from less than a week ago, is (847) 909-5567.  Please respond to usna1one@gmail.com or give me a call when you're off the homestead and in town near a cell tower.  Sincerely, Jack Nelson
Can 32 books be shipped to a residential address in the city of Midsayap, Philippines?  The postal code is 9410.  The shipping company of choice is LBC Express.  Here's the address and phone number for one of their stateside offices: 7058 N. Cedar Avenue, Fresno, California, 93720
(559) 779-6774.  Please inform the agent of the weight and dimensions for the accurate quote, for both options: surface ship and air.  E-mail me directly.  Do you still have that same mailing address in Missoula?
Tennessee, Kentucky or North Carolina ?  There's no comparison !  Tennessee has no personal income tax, except on interest and dividend income.  
5 years ago
Tips and tricks for a novice business owner.  How you manage your own personal finances, will carry over into how you manage the business finances.  In order to have a successful business, therefore, meaning, successful cash flow, you first have to prove to yourself you can do a positive cash flow personally.  Living within your means and being debt-free, being frugal and being able to trust yourself with your own bookkeeping.  Teach yourself to do your own spreadsheet and keep it up to date twice a day, or do not bother dreaming about having a business; just work a job and be content with that.  The number one skill is cash flow management.  Can't do that without personal bookkeeping.  Putting money into a bag with holes will never work.  It has to be a self-discipline habit.  Every dime in a parking meter, every quarter in a laundromat, everything spent on groceries, it ALL gets recorded on your personal spreadsheet.  Unless you can become the master of this, the business is gong to forever struggle and become a very expensive hobby.  There cannot be a back door strategy or contingency plan.  Commit to making it positive cash flow or die trying.  Assets are what put money into your pocket.  Liabilities are the other things.  Furnish your office with brand-new furniture when thrift store furniture will do, is a classic example of the little foxes spoiling the vines.  Bad decisions abound, but there is exactly one BEST way to do a thing, or to solve any given problem.  And a whole bunch of lesser, "wrong" ways, that are to a greater or lesser extent, more costly than the optimum one.  There can never be an emotional reason to buy things any more.  Instead, the reasoning has to all be pragmatic and calculating.  Start the business as if your life depended on it.  Because it does.  Freedom isn't free.  Robert Kiyosaki has written another excellent book.  Yeah, another one.  Its title is Fake:  Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets.  It's worth the twenty dollars.
5 years ago
The great success that I have had with LinkedIn was in 2016 - 2017 when I was busy putting my valuable life's energy into a fundamentally-flawed career selling (actually, trying to sell) term life insurance.  Yeah; I am ashamed to tell about it.  But we know better now, don't we?  How anyone in good conscience can peddle that (four-letter synonym for manure) is beyond me.  Paper assets = fake assets.  Got a great book in a Barnes & Noble in Sioux Falls the other day.  It's by Robert Kiyosaki, and it is entitled Fake: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets.  The cover design shows a serious-faced shot of the author with the focus of the camera on his outstretched hand in front of him in the universally-known "thumbs down" gesture of "death."  In the ancient Roman coliseums, if the crowd thought the wounded gladiator deserved mercy and life, they waved handkerchiefs over their heads to indicate "LIFE."  Thumbs down meant "DEATH."  The existing monetary system, the existing educational system, the existing thinking about what constitutes an asset, deserve "DEATH."  But I digress.  I have totally purged that LinkedIn profile, but in 2016 - 2017, I was trying to peddle term life insurance, and hoping to pass the Series 6 exam to be able to also peddle a paper asset contrived around 1935 called "mutual funds" (a "derivative" asset, an early precursor of the more modern-day financial derivatives so many of us know about such as collateralized debt obligations and mortgage-backed securities) and one day I put on a white shirt and a tie and got myself down to a photographer to get my pitcher took, and went and posted that on LinkedIn along with other hope-to-impress-others details about myself.  I had great success ballooning my network to many hundreds of names and profiles in a very short period, by being able to send people, perfect strangers, little reach-out messages.  It could become an obsession.  All night long, you can put time into it and lay groundwork for expanding your REAL network, the small minority of them that would become your customers.  People would click on them the next day and you could sometimes get someone's phone number and a few other details as well.  It's a great data-mining tool.  I am just glad I didn't succeed in selling anything, looking back, because cryptocurrency and genuine gold and silver are where it is at today.  
LinkedIn.  Much more of a professional slant.  LinkedIn presupposes that you are either an entrepreneur or an employee who thinks like one.  LinkedIn is everything that fb is, minus all the stupidity and campy, childish posturing.  On LinkedIn, you're assumed to be truthful in what you're posting.
Please e-mail me with additional details and your phone number!  usna1one at gmail.
7 years ago
I'm trying to get in contact with you to respond.  I'm interested.  This is about as close to a purple moose as I know how to do at present.  Is purple moose anything like Skype?  My handle is usna1one.  Better is direct e-mail: usna1one@gmail.com.  I'm an ambitious, experienced hard worker and an almost-native of Pennsylvania (lived there 5X for years each time).
As of April 29, 2017, how many "boots-to-roots" spots are still available?
7 years ago
I'm interested.  Please give me a call.  904.343.9639.  Jack Nelson
8 years ago