Taylor Cleveland

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since Feb 07, 2017
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Recent posts by Taylor Cleveland

Hey everyone 👋 I’m looking for advice and or wisdom with toxaemia. Our biggest bellied ewe came down with it yesterday. She had seperated from the group, moving very slow, mostly on her feet still luckily but her hind legs are tucked in and her head is low. Overall seems off and unwell. While waiting for the vet to call back I gave her ACV/molasses/nutri-drench and she drank all of it. Then vet gave us a glucose and calcium drench on Saturday that we have to her that night. She had already perked house a bit from the molasses mixture at that point. She was perky this morning but started lowering her head and tucking under her hind legs again while standing this evening after her drench at 4pm tonight.
The vet told us to drench once a day, but on the tube I notice it says twice for sheep. So I guess we should start doing it twice a day? I just checked on her At 5:30pm and she still looks the same. At 8:30pm we drenched her with both again. I just checked on her(10:00pm) and there’s no improvement but she’s not worse. I also have alfalfa hay, kelp, and grain for her which she was nibbling on. I have molasses/nutri-drench/ACV water as well as plain water out for her. We have her in a lambing jug currently so we can keep a close eye on her.

Any advice on how to keep her going until she lambs? She’s bagged up and really huge but I’m not sure on an exact due date. Any tips on what to feed her or how to get her to eat more? We are in cow country so our vet isn’t super well versed in sheep. Thanks so much.
3 years ago
Hello all! Im not exactly sure where to put this question.
I am putting in 20 elderberry bushes this spring. I am trying to find companion plants that serve as medicinal herbs. I am especially interested in growing rose hips. We have started a small online herbal goods business, mainly selling herbal teas with medicinal mushrooms we grow. We are no expanding into elderberry extracts. I don't want to just go out and conventionally plant 200ft of elderberry. Instead, we are planning on trying to implement permaculture tecniques to this project. I am having a hard time finding medical plants that would make good companions for the elderberry in order to create some diversity. I am planning on using the understory to grow some nettle, lemon balm, mint, etc. Anyone have any good ideas?

4 years ago
Hello! I am new to growing mushrooms. I have purchased some lions mane, turkey tail, and reishi plug spawn and was hoping to inoculate some logs in a few weeks. But now I am reading that they can not be in cold conditions in the first 6 weeks after inoculation. Is this true? Or will they just not grow as fast/stop growing in the winter? Any advice would be great! We don’t have anywhere to keep the logs indoors, although we do have a barn they could go in.
4 years ago

John F Dean wrote:To clarify, how long do you plan on keeping them in it? Are you looking for the size of a paddock with the idea of rotating them or a corral to keep them in?

He would stay with our girls during breeding season for about 2 months. So 10 months he would be in his own pasture. We were going to divide his paddock into multiple ones to rotational graze.
4 years ago
Hello all, We have Icelandic sheep. We are about to start fencing in a pen to keep our breeding ram + His friend. How many square feet do you think would be enough? Size is not a problem, I just don’t want it too big that is will get overgrown. I couldn’t find anything about this online. Thanks!
4 years ago
We have 12 horned Icelandic sheep and 2 donkeys. Usually we buy square bales to feed in the winter. I have been looking at the price of hay this year and round bales are half the price of squares per lb. our neighbor rents and bales a hay field of ours. He will have extra to sell this year and can bring us over a bale whenever he comes and gets one for his cows(we don’t have a tractor)

I’m wondering if it would be smarter to pull apart the bales in chunks to feed in our sheep feeders? Or just drop a round bale in the covered part of our barn yard? I can’t seem to find a good round bale feeder that’s safe for horned sheep, but if any of you have come across one that would be great.
4 years ago
We are setting up two RV campers to use as airbnb housing about 150 feet from our house. We plan to run electric from our own house, but we would like to store water and fill it up with hoses instead of running water lines out there too. But my real question is on grey water draining systems. The campers will be about 10 feet from a pasture we use for grazing sheep(gentle slope downward from the camper site) I was hoping we could do some sort of simple branched drain system to irrigate that field. Any experience or ideas? It would be great for it to be low cost, since other aspects of the project are more costly. also, we are planning on composting toilets, so we will have no sewage to deal with, just grey water. Thanks!
4 years ago
I’m thinking about getting 3 ducks to keep in my garden. We have 16 50ft permenant garden beds as well as some blackberries and raspberries. I will attach a picture of my plan. I have friends who love their ducks in their gardens.

My questions are:
- what vegetables will they eat?
- what type of fence do I need to keep them out of our yard? The garden is fenced in with welded wire farm fence and it is about 3 yards from our house.
- if I made them a run to stay in when tomato season is happening and I don’t want them to eat our tomtoes, how big should their run be?

We have kept chickens for years, so I know a bit about keeping birds.

4 years ago

Artie Scott wrote:Do tell, Taylor!  I was hoping to learn how myself!

So it turns out we would need to rent an auger to wood posts, and steel my neighbor could drill in with his skid steer but we would then have to have them welded- which we don't have a welder. The fiberglass posts are more expensive but cheaper when your not hiring someone to weld.
We are lucky to only be an hr away from Greg Judy's farm. (if you have never heard of him, he is worth checking out. His youtube channel is great!)
He sells fiberglass corner posts that we plan to purchase.

He has also come up with a system of using a tree to help support a single corner post, which will be the big money saver for us. it took our post number down from 35 posts and 20 H braces to 24 posts and 9 H braces

Here is his website: http://greenpasturesfarm.net/fence-posts/

Im also debating back and forth between 1in fiberglass posts I can get locally and these timeless posts. They are what Greg uses and look pretty slick. Im just not sure if they are worth the extra cost.
4 years ago
I actually just found a more economical alternative to this and it’s actually fiberglass. I can get them locally and can drive them myself. Sorry to bother you all!!!
4 years ago