Rebecca Fussner

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since May 18, 2020
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I'm a respiratory therapist set to retire soon. Planned earlier but the the "plague". I work,I cook,I garden. Saw a food forest in Las Vegas and have been enchanted since. Education is all I need to get it started so.... here I am educate me please. We have changed our minds going to retire somewhere around TX. Maybe he dry area so we can harvest water and green the desert. Aaaaaannnddd maybe not a good Forest too many mosquitos.
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Azusa Ca.
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Recent posts by Rebecca Fussner

J Lucas wrote:There are plant nurseries *literally* around every corner here in TX, especially here on the east side. I also know there are many that specialize in TX natives, though I only know that through "Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't", so look him up for ideas. Further, since it's so wet here, near Houston, natives tend to pop up all over the place, one need only find places where you are able to collect either the seeds, or the sprouts, the herbs, and the saplings... sometimes they're already on a property.... just don't mow!

 I  think I subscribe to that Youtube channel!  Thanks.
4 months ago
I have found that building a shallow planter for containment of mint around the shed keeps most critters out. My last one was about a foot wide and 6 inches deep on top of pavers {to keep the mints in) and planted my mint collection. Don't forget to mulch it.  For the door sill a line of salt with mint oil will keep it rodent free.
4 months ago
After 3 years of threatening, we are finally moving to Houston Tx.  Have a 3rd acre and a decent house and no HOA.  Once things get moving, they snowball. Now that we bought a house, we have to sell this one and take care of mom's estate. 3 realtors in 3 states are really confusing.  Once this all settles down, I can quit lurking on the TX people and start taking advice from them.  I am looking forward to being active here again.   Desert gardening is so much different. Starting from scratch and ordering my first raised bed as a Christmas present. I'm so excited I could wet my plants {please excuse the pun I could not resist}. What is the first thing to do after seeing where the water goes any advice? Where is a good spot to get TX hardened plants and seed?  I also will be looking for you pick it farms and homesteaders that will raise larger animals for you to adopt into the freezer.  Thanks so, much for all the help and encouragement.
4 months ago
I'm in the burbs around East Los Angeles. (Azusa, Ca) My yard started as a hydrophobic dead orchard. It's not a forrest and probably won't
be by the time we move but it is better.
1 year ago
Amen! Never time to waste. Compost everything! Drag stuff in to compost. Doesn't matter where...when you move the pile you will have better dirt in underneath. Lord knows you can't have too much compost on. Small place, I can't ever seem to get enough. I started compost piles in built beds, everything went in left over BBQ fire coals, shredded paperboard, shredded( plastic removed) junk mail ( most places use soy ink), kitchen waste, last year's pot soil. Moldy stuff from fridge went into cold  cooked rice with some whey and assorted yogurt cultures and allowed to grow in a bucket dumped water into bucket and watered compost. I learned Black soldier flies are faster than worms so a cardboard cover with gaps.... Presto. If it's complicated it's too much work for me. Honestly the soldier flies found me. I keep a tumble composter in the chicken run. No fancy ramp needed. Bugs climb out and the girls get a continual snack machine. I do think watching is wize. I would not have had to move so many things had I done so. Good luck, good planning and good food! May they all find you.
1 year ago
I remember Grandma using a 55 gallon drum there was a fire under to heat water  and loading layers placing a wire rack on top and loading another layer till it was full.  She would bring it to a boil and watch the clock, after it had boiled ( seemed like all day but I was a small child then)  then she would rake the fire out from under the barrel and go eat dinner.  Left it to cool all night. I would spend part of the next day with my cousins in a "bucket squad" passing jars to Granny in the root cellar. When I was older I remember her loading cold jars in the same manner then we covered with cool water and started the fire. I'm pretty sure this was a very long burn time as we spent the day getting tomorrow's batch ready.
1 year ago
I find store bought Kimchi to be unsatisfying. Most home made recipes are on the very high end of my spicy scale.  I use 1/3 of the pepper flakes and round out the color with smoked paprika.  Not traditional but certainly tasty. I am sure to put my jar in a pail so we can save the golden Kimchi juice ( overflow) for rice and soup base. Best ever breakfast.... Leftover rice and a TBS  of kimchi juice.
1 year ago

Anne Miller wrote:Something that is a sneaky way to get uncommon foods into the diet is to use powders as a seasoning.

Here are some threads that goes along with that idea:

. I put dried flakes of mixed greens in everything from garlic butter and pesto to soup &  bread....for a man who thinks he Hates vegetables he sure does eat a lot of them.
1 year ago
Who knew 6 pints would fit? I've not tried my hot pot as a canner. And just got the new re-useable lids and rings in the mail ( I ordered them Summer 2021)! Then there is the matter of a back yard full of 3 ft tall Mallow because I can't mow with all the rain. They all I'm 6 pints in and still a yard full.          . ..... .......................Later............. 6 is too many for the pot ......5 also is too many  the towel on the bottom keeps getting scorched so only can do 4 safely.  But they're all sealing so...I just mi gusto t keep using these new lids nd use instant pot for small batch leftover soup etc.
2 years ago
Potato's, ruby chard, nettle, mallow, lemon's parsley, Greek oregano. Guess I will be busy for a while.
2 years ago