Luke Bryan

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since May 03, 2022
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Recent posts by Luke Bryan

I'd like to know more about the earth househouse/shed. Are they durable, I don't see this type often.
7 months ago
What about Kohlrabi? I just tried one this year (for the first time I think?) It is like an apple of a vegetable it's great.
1 year ago

Daphne Singingtree wrote:

The house will be finished the beginning of February and we are starting to take applications now.

How did you set up the design/build it? What builder?

David Baillie wrote:

Mike Kay wrote:No mention of the elephant in the room of what the ethical cost is to rechargeable batteries using cobalt

What about the fact they got much better in recent years - reducing the amount of Cobalt and other conflict minerals in recent years' EV batteries?

1 year ago
The old car batteries are kept in warehouses mostly or sometimes recycled - those are very valuable metals and elements and that's the good thing about electric car batteries/Li-ion in general, instead of just crushing the whole car at the end of its usable life it will have a large amount of chemical elements they can mine out later or maybe even just use now as part of a grid tie energy sinc.

Interesting discussion here
and an old WIRED article for more info -
1 year ago

R Marr wrote:
Peruse the channel for all the other things discussed in the past. You wont see this technology demonstrated anywhere else

That's interesting, is this a what one might call a controversial energy systems meet up? "TESLA SCIENCE & FREE-ENERGY MOVEMENT"


Those sound like the same kind of claim on certain sites that label themselves "no. 1 medical source/newsletter" or such and such, when, they most definitely are not.

Remember the Steorn company and their "Free-energy" perpetual energy promotion years back? before they went bankrupt?

but maybe that is not at all the meaning of this - more about sustainable "free energy" like setting up your long term off grid solar etc.?

What is one thing that you had learned or found useful in their previous sessions?
I don't know if you saw this on the news, but some light houses are going for sale:

Probably not a great farming place but great for fishing maybe?
1 year ago