Jolene Csakany

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since Oct 13, 2022
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I love gardening, caring for animals, or stewarding the earth in other ways. I also enjoy hiking with my dogs and just sitting around in natural places.
I'm planning to start a gourmet mushroom business once I have some land. Mushrooms are one of my favorite foods, and I also believe they will be a key food and ally for our survival in the future.
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Nineveh, NY
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Recent posts by Jolene Csakany

Marianna Marinda wrote:Hey Jolene!  It looks like we're 40 minutes away from you!  Welcome to NY!!!

Thanks.  Let me know if you ever want to meet up.  I'd be happy to come and help with any projects you have going on.  I'm really new to everything and just looking to learn.  In the spring, I may be reaching out for help, or just some advice as it's all so overwhelming.    
1 month ago
I am now officially a New Yorker.  Still need to change my license and register my car (if I can ever get it started again and if it would pass inspection here), but I now have my own property in Nineveh, NY.  It's 20 acres with a small house and two creeks.  One is small and seasonal but has wonderful rocky waterfalls, the other is still smaller than I hoped, but it flows year round.
It's not the property I previously posted about and not the Finger Lakes where I hoped to be, but it felt right and I plunged.  There is no significant slope on this property, although the terrain has some small hills creating a variety of microhabitats, with great flat spots for camping, building or growing stuff.  The house is safely out of the flood zone, but it needs a new roof and other work.  Most of the land is wooded with red maple and pin cherry trees.   It was once a dairy farm, but that stopped in the 60s and so it's mostly smaller trees.   There are some clearings, and the front lawn gets southern exposure and is ready to be turned into gardens.  

I haven't gotten started on much because I've injured my knee!  It's always perplexing when the universe fills one dream, but then gives you a snag so you can't proceed in the ways you dreamed- but, I'm here and it's home and it's the first time I've ever had anything of value, so it's pretty damn exciting.  
1 month ago
The seller has come down in price and I may buy this property.  But I now realize the flat acre is in the 30 year flood zone.  I am thinking I can manage this with swales, but it's very flat at the moment.  I really love a lot about this property, but maybe this should be a deal breaker.  I want to have a creek, and that seems to mean land is in a flood zone.  
any thoughts?
1 year ago
My father was a fan of Dolly and the song, that's how I got the name.

I guess I don't think about the ultimate outcome mattering, whether we are destroyed by an asteroid or nuclear war; or whether humanity spreads across the universe ultimately doesn't matter to me.  It's just about being in the moment and doing something that helps you feel like you're in optimal health and balance with all because we're a social species and so that feels good.  Not chasing pleasure in a hedonistic way, but letting go of attachments and aversions so you can appreciate the experience of now, because it's all we've truly got.  Or so it seems to me.  My mom always like to tell me, "You can't change the world!" and maybe we can't, but we can live in integrity with our own values and find value in the experience even if we're not happy all the time with a friend who truly gets us because it's not a living being with it's own make up and past and isn't programmed by us.  
This is a surprising question to see on a permaculture forum.  Regardless of what society sees as inevitable, permie type people are usually into low tech solutions that are accessible to everyone regardless of income.   While not opposed to technology, the emphasis is on long term success of everyone and everything involved in the system, fostering connection and reinforcing closed looped systems so they are more resilient; finding a way for humans to work in harmony with natural ecosystems so that all can thrive.  

Taking those principles into our personal lives, it doesn't seem like AI companions are a wise solution to loneliness.  Also, watch Blade Runner or find some of the sci fi fiction that's been written on this topic.  It tends to depict it as part of a dystopian future, and a world where we have to turn to machines to be our friends seems pretty dark to me.  

"The first book written was the first form of a.i. It just keeps getting better, or worse?"
The Alphabet versus the Goddess is a book that explores this idea.  The author postulates that reading and writing are left brain/masculine activities and that learning to read and write while young changes our brain development and ultimate physiology.  And so, it was the invention of written languages that brought about the change in culture from pagan religions where goddesses tended to be the primary deities and cultures were often egalitarian to monotheistic religions with a sky father character is all powerful and the start of patriarchy, stricter hierarchies and misogyny.  
There are other theories that turning from hunter gatherers to grain growing agriculturists is what changed everything.  Since grain and other foods could be stored, men who were stronger could hoard resources and started seeing children as the first workers for their fields and women as a resource to be controlled.  And maybe it was aliens that brought us this harmful culture opposed to being in harmony with our living planet.  

I'm sorry to seem contrarian, but this seems like an obviously bad thing.  If someone doesn't have a best friend or confidant in their lives, it's possibly because they are not treating others well, not making the time, or are too introverted.  All these issues should be addressed, not coddled and exacerbated with a companion you can purchase and program.  

I was an extreme introvert and shy person and would have loved this when I was younger.  I failed first grade at Catholic School for being "socially retarded."  AI could have helped me as a child, but instead my fourth grade teacher and other people helped me and it created connection and trust for me and them.  It also created some dark childhood years that I survived and was shaped by and am proud to have survived.  I've had some very lonely, near suicide times because I was so socially awkward growing up.  It forced me to connect more deeply with nature, pets and my inner self through meditation.  It forced me to develop myself so I could interact more with people and be sympathetic and helpful to those with similar struggles.  It was hard, but just seeing how growth is limited by people only connecting with like minded friends on social media and taking in news that reinforces their own beliefs- it creates a person who can't handle any confrontation or stress and that's not just weak, it's boring and leads to less worthwhile life experience.  Even if the AI is programmed to give pushback to your ideas and argue, you will always know deep down that's it's not a living being with feelings you can hurt, and that it never truly loves you or hate you, there's no risk and relationships are always risks that we as social animals need to be able to manage and live with.  We already behave differently online versus in person to person interactions.
It also stops us from holding society responsible for all the social ills that keeping us from connecting with others and our planet.  Everything is a cycle and a loop, one experience feeds another, and if we use AI for short cuts in companionship it will make us more vulnerable to manipulation and just takes us further from reality, a reality that is worth exploring.  Having AI make your doctors appointments would be great.  Having it provide companionship seems like a terrible idea and I'm grateful I grew up during a time when there were less distractions.  It would be much better if people adopted a dog or cat and learned to love themselves and entertain themselves and figure out why they don't have the companionship they need and how we as a society can fix our education and culture because it needs some serious fixing, not an AI bandaid.  I could be wrong, but I'm glad it wasn't around when I was younger.  I may have kept my corporate job and talked to my AI friend every night instead of getting fed up with feeling like an outsider and quitting to do volunteer work in the rainforest.  
Thanks so much for your thoughtful responses.  I think I will make an offer, but still considering things since it's such a big decision.  
1 year ago
Ok, getting closer to becoming a New Yorker.  Does anyone have an opinion on north facing slope?  I was hoping to find east or south facing, but there are not a lot of options.  
I've attached a topo map of a property I'm considering.  It has about one acre of cleared flat land, a creek and then a north facing, fully wooded hillside.  I am a mountain person and wanted a sloped hillside like this, just facing the opposite direction.  
Would this be a deal breaker for people in this region?  
Would this be better for growing shitakes and other mushrooms, that are supposed to like north facing slopes?  or am I deluding myself trying to justify north/northwest facing slope?
any opinions would be greatly appreciated, as this is the biggest decision of my life so far.  I've never owned property and am nervous about making the wrong decision.  

I love most other things about this property- the location, the house, the creek, the quiet road.  It is more acreage than I wanted which means a higher price and taxes, but it seems like it has enough pros to make up for this.  I plan to grow mushrooms for profit, produce food for myself, and have chickens and goats.    
1 year ago