Looking for a housemate in Nineveh, NY.
Hoping for someone willing to do 12 hours in work trade per week + $200 per month, but this is negotiable depending on your skills or situation. If someone wants to camp and use the bathroom/kitchen, then it could be 10 hours of work per week + $100 per month.
If someone has a committed yoga or meditation practice and is looking for solitude so they can focus on this, then the fee can be less as I'd like to facilitate others in their practice.
I am not looking for a romantic relationship, just friends to help me with my permaculture dream homestead; possibly business partners and long term house/land mates if we click. Maybe this turns into a community, who knows, it's all just beginning.
Shorter stays are also welcome. For people staying less than one month, I'd be asking 12 hours of work per week to camp. It would be 12 hours+ $100 per week to stay in the spare room or loft. Those are just suggestions, it can be more hours and less money, or vice/versa and if you have a lot to offer, let me know and it can be less.
We can put an agreement in writing before you arrive so we are both clear on expectations.
It's just a normal house on the grid.
Unfortunately, I cannot accept other dogs or cats. I have two dogs that both love humans- but one can be dog aggressive and the other is predatory and would not be able to live with a cat. I would normally want to help other animal lovers, but these two dogs came into my life and I don't see them working out well with other dogs or cats. So, I'm hoping for a dog lover who has no dog of their own.
Smaller caged pets or farm animals could be welcome.
Part of the work trade would be caring for the dogs while I'm away, which probably won't be too often, but it would be great to have someone willing to watch Bruno as my family is about 2 hours away, and they all have dogs so he can't visit them with me. I have an electric net fence set up around the front yard, so watching the dogs does not have to involve walking with them- just some affection, two feedings and potty breaks in the yard. I can bring Mookie with me, or leave her here as she does help Bruno from feeling anxious. I also have six chickens that need to be fed and watered daily, and have their door opened each morning and closed each evening- but this could change with the addition of a fence and solar door. I hope to hatch more chickens in the spring. I also just joined the local beekeeping club and hope to start up a hive or two this spring. A potential mentor lives nearby.
It's a small house on 20 acres with two creeks, nice walking trails and lots of flat spots for camping. The smaller creek is seasonal, but it has cascading waterfalls and the land is beautiful and easy to walk. It's mostly forested, but there are a few small clearings. You would be getting the loft space, and can keep the dogs out of your space or let them up as you wish. It has a bed (with linens and towels provided), dresser and lamp, but we can move this stuff out if you have your own furnishings.
I plan to create a permaculture style food forest and would love help with planning this from someone with more experience or education. I also hope to build tent platforms, build a strawbale or dirtbag or other natural structure for a composting toilet, put up fencing, clear trees and other stuff.
I do not have a permaculture certificate or much experience. I am a retired wildlife biologist who is just learning. I am also planning to create a gourmet mushroom business. And the house needs work if you have carpentry or home fixing experience. Any skills to help with these things would be greatly appreciated, but someone with no experience or education is also welcome as there is a lot of basic stuff we can do; and research and learn as we go. I have lots of native seeds to be planted, want to build hügelkultur garden beds, and can provide all the direction if needed.
I'm a very quiet person and don't play much music in the house, and I can sometimes seem antisocial but I just need a lot of alone time and don't mean to be rude. I am mildly chemically sensitive, and try to use unscented products but don't mind essential oils or emf waves. The house currently has wifi. However, I have lived with people more sensitive than myself, and can go without the essential oils and switch the internet to ethernet cable if you need that.
I eat meat, and have been living on food from foodbanks and the seasonal neighbors (mostly hunters, who clean out their fridge and give me what doesn't travel) to keep my costs low. However, I want to be more vegetarian (or 'Freegan', I eat what's served when others cook and scavenge what I can) and would be happy to have a vegetarian or vegan roommate. If preferred, I would keep meat cooking to when I had visitors, but I can't promise an exclusively vegetarian or vegan kitchen. I hope to have dairy goats someday, and have worked as a cheesemaker and milker at micro-dairies before.
I have taught yoga in the past, and try to have a regular vipassana meditation practice (I'm not as good about this as I used to be, but I'm working on it). I would love to have someone here who also has or wants regular yoga and meditation in their life, and I can lead this; and I would be excited to learn from another teacher or to learn Tai Chi, martial arts and other body-mind physical or meditative practices. However, this is not a requirement and you can just walk around me when I'm doing yoga in the living room.